Tasty Viola™ F1 is our series of violas with a mild, sweet, peppery taste. The flowers are medium sized and the colors are soft and gentle. The series has a color for each dish. The plant keeps its shape and produces all summer long. Flowers transport well and the plant’s winter hardiness is superior.


Growing Tasty Viola F1™

  • Crop time from sowing to a saleable plant is 8-9 weeks
  • Easy to grow in spring, summer and autumn
  • Good frost and mildew tolerance
  • No need for growth retarder or chemicals
  • Seeds not treated with chemicals
  • Suitable pot sizes: 9-12 cm / 4-5"


Do you want more info on the Tasty Viola F1™, HD promotional material or growing conditions? Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us.