About Us
Prudac is situated in Enkhuizen, The Netherlands. To ensure convenient access to our seeds for all interested growers, we collaborate with seed companies worldwide.
Please refer to the list below to find a seed distributor in your area.

Production & Research for Urban Decoration And Consumption

We specialize in breeding innovative edible plants for both professional growers and hobbyists. Our products stand out for their high decorative value and exceptional taste. Strength, uniformity, low labor input, and rapid crop time are central to our breeding program.
We have our own R&D facilities in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands. Our crop information is based on Northern European growing conditions.
We maintain seven production locations across the globe to guarantee seed availability at all times.
We support our products by marketing our genetics, offering growth technical support information and a wide range of freely available pictures, videos and plant labels.
We are member of Fleuroselect, GSPP and Naktuinbouw.