Latest introductions
Due to our advanced breeding program, we have released eleven new varieties in key crops in last 2 years. Several of our tomato and pepper series have been supplemented with additional fruit colors. We expect these additions will serve our clients well.

Mini Melon Honey F1 Drops Dara
Perfect melon for hobby gardeners! It offers a sweet taste, a pleasant aroma, and high yields. The fruit has a very thin skin, making it easy to peel like an apple. Its color changes to yellow when fully ripe.

Peas ‘N’ Pod Bernard
The newest addition to our assortment! Compact sweet pot pea. Due to its smaller habit in nature, it fits perfectly in a pot, raised beds, or any space in a small home garden. The Peas ‘N’ Pod Bernard is made up of smaller pea pods that grow in a nice uniform hedge.
Crop time from young plant: 7 weeks
Height: 30-35 cm/10-14”
Pot sizes: 9 -17cm/ 4-7″

Peppers Galaxy Tri-Color F1
The latest addition to our Galaxy Series: Galaxy Tri-Color. This new variety boasts compact growth and fruits that change from a creamy hue to vibrant shades of orange and red.
Crop time: 10-12 weeks.
Height: 25 cm/10”
Ø 20 cm, 10” Pot size:12-17 cm

Pepper Jalapeno Baby F1
Compact jalapeño chili pepper variety presents a captivating display of color evolution – from shiny black to vibrant green and finally to a glossy red. Despite its diminutive size, this jalapeño plant, where the juvenile green fruits and the mature red fruits are both spicy and usable in your meal,surprises with an impressive yield of chili fruits.
Crop time: 12-14 weeks. Height: 50 cm/12”
Pot size:15 cm/ 6″

Peppers from Heaven™ F1
Compact basket type pepper which produces an impressive number of fleshy sweet fruits. Continuous harvest, flowers and fruits appears all time during the plant growth. Now available in 3 colors which can perfectly combine in 1 pot.
Crop time: 14-16 weeks. Height: 25-30 cm/10-12”
Ø 25-40 cm, 10-16” Pot size:12-17 cm

Peppers from Hades™
Balcony-Container spicy taste pepper for outdoor use. Compact and decorative kitchen pepper for indoor harvest. Continuous harvest, flowers and fruits appears all time during the plant growth.
Crop time: 14-16 weeks. Height: 20-25-cm/8-10”
Pot size:12-15 cm

Pillar Peppers™ F1 Luna
Sweet tasting compact pepper for balcony and garden, with continuous harvest. Very visible light green fruits turning to red. Upright habit.
Crop time: 14-16 weeks. Height 25-35cm/10-14”
Ø 25-35cm. Pot size:14-17 cm

Tomato Dora Yellow
Compact cocktail tomato with a lovely heart shape. Juicy fruits have a tender skin and the perfect sweet/sour balance. Attractive fruits with low maintanance. High transport tolerance. Upright habit.
Long but compact bunches with 14-18 fruits.
Crop time: 14-16 weeks. Height: 30-35 cm/12-14”
Pot size:15-17 cm

Tomato Sunny Drops™ F1
Compact snack tomato for outdoor and indoor use. A lot of shiny glossy fruits with drop shaped tomatoes. High productivity.
Crop time: 14-16 weeks. Upright habit.
Height Sunny Drops™ F1 Red and Orange ± 35 cm/14”
Height Sunny Drops™ F1 Baby Orange ± 25-30 cm/10-12”
Pot size:12-15 cm

Tiny Temptations™ F1
Cherry tomato with lots of ultra-sweet fruits and thin skin that do not burst. Bright small fruits looks even more decorative on the dark green leaves background. It is perfect in all ways: packet seeds, young plants or finished containers/pot plants.
Crop time: 14-16 weeks. Height ± 40 cm/16”
Pot size: 15-17 cm
All 3 colours available

Tomato Donna F1
Snack tomato for outdoor use. Trailing growth habit makes it ideal for large containers and hanging baskets. Continuously produces new fruits. Crop time: 14-16 weeks.
Pot size: 15-17 cm or Baskets: 25-35 cm. All 3 Colours are available

Deep Red Desire Raisin
A unique tomato which has high productivity and sweet taste. When the fruit remains on the plant it dries into the raisin with a high brix of 13. Soft and pleasant raisin feel and excellent storability. Do not burst.
Full bunch at each 3 internodes. Good horizontal resistances and high mildew tolerance
Pot size: 10-15 cm for start as young plant Crop time: 90-110 days.

Cherry Red Baby
Large bunches with sweet glossy small cherry red tomatoes. One of the most sweet tomatoes with honey-salty taste. Indeterminate growth. Good transportation and shelf-life. Ideal for the home consumption. Pot size: 10-15 cm for sales as young plant
Crop time: 90-110 days.

Allium Bee attraction F1
Beautiful border and cut flower plant. Attractive for bees during autumn period. Plants have small leaves with a garlic taste and relatively large number of flowers. Frost tolerant, leaves stay green even at low temperatures. Stem length: 70-80 cm
Vase life: 2-3 weeks. Pot size: 9-15 cm

Stuffin XS Yellow
The latest addition to the Stuffin XS Red family! This versatile tomato is perfect for hobby gardeners. Its texture and vibrant colours and flavor make it ideal for stuffing, roasting, or adding to a variety of dishes
Pot size 10-15 for start as a young plant. Crop time 90-110 days.